best Examples of interactive content for your company

Examples of interactive content for your company to sell more

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Do you want to boost your sales? So bet on these examples of interactive content to bring more significant results to your business.

After all, interactive content is a surefire way to gain a competitive advantage.

It used to be that long-form guides, eBooks, and videos were the “holy grail” of content. However, today, all these formats are common and their use is widespread.

So, good content is no longer enough. If you are serious about competing, you need to create content that stands out among your competitors. Like interactive content, a format that generates twice as much engagement as its static version .

In this article, we will delve deeper into this topic and cover examples of engaging interactive content that can bring significant gains to your business.

What is interactive content marketing?

We’re talking here about creating content that requires and encourages user participation, as opposed to passive viewing.

Therefore, interactive content is highly engaging – people are driven to interact because of natural curiosity. Whether answering questions, making choices or exploring scenarios to see what happens.

Therefore, good examples of interactive content offer people an experience in which they can do, say and feel something. In this way, it promotes powerful connections between consumer and brand.

When done well, your audience will feel like they are connecting with someone who understands their challenges and wants to help provide solutions.

Types of Interactive Content

Interactive content can come in many different forms. from tests and polls to virtual reality experiences, 360-degree films, and more.

But let’s talk about the types of interactive content most commonly found on blogs (and with the highest ROI) that you’ve probably seen – but hadn’t realized as a business opportunity:

  • Quizzes : Great for increasing user engagement
  • Polls : Good for giving your audience a role in your brand
  • Calculators : Useful to solidify your authority in the industry
  • Generators : impactful to attract new customers
  • Guides : Great for showcasing your brand expertise
  • Stats : Good for adding credibility to your brand messages
  • Maps : Ideal for showcasing a company’s location-based goods or services.

5 examples of interactive content that can help your business sell more

Now how about starting to think about how you can use interactive content as part of your content marketing strategy?

The first step is to consider which types of interactive content are best suited for your audience. Because formats that might work well to engage a B2C audience are often very different from a B2B audience.

Find out more below:

1) Tests

Perhaps this is the most manageable format among the examples of interactive content you can create – and with great potential to engage your audience.

After all, quizzes are effective for the simple reason that they are fun and often highly shareable. Who can resist BuzzFeed’s tests, for example?

In this way, tests are an easy entry point to creating interactive content.

To do this, explore tools like Quiz Maker and Survey Monkey . Or the resources available in Stories, on your Instagram profile.

2) Calculators and Tools

Calculators and online tools can be a great way to not only generate engagement from your audience, but also generate leads or help build press links with digital PR.

3) Interactive infographics

Infographics are not new to content marketing. They are a great resource for making data available and also building links to relevant publications.

4) Games

This is probably one of the most effective examples of interactive content ever found online.

They are irresistible, with high sharing potential and can generate a lot of traffic to your website.

Additionally, they can help your business gain links from the press, create a buzz on social media, and obtain relevant user data.

Thus, it is one of the few formats that can achieve multiple objectives with a single content.

5) Interactive webinars

How about creating an interactive video experience in the form of a live webinar?

To do this, use services such as Zoom or GoToWebinar, in addition to live broadcast resources on Instagram – such as the already established live shops.

Top recommendations and factors for producing interactive content

We know that creating interactive content is not always as simple as creating static content. That’s why we’ve listed here our main tips and considerations for launching something that inspires:

Consider your budget and resources

Interactive material typically costs both time and money.
Therefore, it is essential to know your limits before planning content in this format.

After all, you don’t need to immediately discard a great idea because of resource constraints. Your digital marketing agency can help with this decision.

Consider technical requirements

Uploading static content generally involves just uploading an image through your CMS. But integrating interactive content can be much more complicated.

So it’s essential to understand any restrictions that are in place before developing an interactive asset. Once again, the right digital marketing agency can help with this step.

Know your audience

Different audiences respond to different interactive content formats. So you should take the time to understand what’s working for others in your industry or the broader topics that could benefit from interactive content.

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